I saw this link on my Facebook feed and it struck a chord within the first few words. Over the past few years since I had it confirmed that I had endometriosis, I have read many blogs, links, posts and medical journals. All of them have given me more meaning, knowledge, strength but only a few have brought me to tears. This one definitely did!
The post isn't aimed at women with endometriosis however, reading the first description I could hear my voice speaking the words. I felt the pain as if it were my own emotions poured out on to the virtual page. My breath caught on the words as she describes how she cries because she has an empty space in her body, how her medication she has to take stops her from falling pregnant. It spoke to me in a very personal way.
I then went on to read the rest and surprisingly I started to understand how many other women who have been blessed with children may not have as full a life I believed they must! I started to see that what would mean the world to me, could be a source of pain and fear for another.
Don't misunderstand me, I still have difficulty understanding why any woman would not want to bring a life in to this world or have that unconditional love you should feel for your own blood. I do however see that not everything is as black and white as I sometimes think. I will try from now on not to judge any woman before I understand their circumstances, their fear, their pain.
Please take a few minutes to read this it really is beautiful...
Be Strong
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